
Analysis Reports are built dynamically based on information in the details JSONField, which is stored as a list of dictionaries.

Each dictionary in the list is treated as a Section in the report, with optional parameters. Sections are displayed in order, and can be provided with a title, description (to go below the title), a list of dictionaries containing the content (tables and/or plots) to display in the section, and notes to go after the content.

Section Options

'title': '',
'description': '',
'notes': '',
'style': '',
'content': []

content: list of dictionaries, each one describing a table or plot to display

style: CSS class to be applied to the section

Content Options

'title': '',
'description': '',
'notes': '',
'style': '',
'kind': ,
'header': 'row',
'annotations': [],
'data': {} (for plots) or [] (for tables)

kind: Supported types are ‘scatterplot’, ‘lineplot’, ‘pie’, ‘gauge’, or ‘table’

header (tables): Used if kind=’table’. If ‘row’, the first list in the list of data contains the headers; if ‘column’, the first item in each list is a header.

annotations (plots): list of dictionaries used to draw vertical lines and text on a plot.

data (tables): list of lists to arrange in rows

data (plots): dictionary containing the data to display

data (charts): list of dictionaries container information about each wedge in the pie or gauge chart

style: CSS class to be applied to the content

Annotation Options (Plots)

'x': ,
'y-start': ,
'y-end': ,
'label': ,
'color': ,
'display': True

Data Options (Plots - scatterplot, lineplot)

'x': [],
'y1': [],
'y2': [],
'x-label': '',
'y1-label': '',
'y2-label': '',
'x-scale': 'linear',
'interpolation': 'linear',
'x-limits': [null, null],
'y1-limits': [null, null],
'y2-limits': [null, null],

x: List of x-axis data, with a label in the first entry. If x-label is not specified, this will be used to label the x-axis.

y1: List of lists of data to plot on the left y-axis. Each list should be the same length as the list defined in x. The first entry in each list is a label for the data.

y2: List of lists of data to plot on the right y-axis. Each list should be the same length as the list defined in x. The first entry in each list is a label for the data.

x-scale: Supported scaling includes ‘linear’, ‘pow’, ‘log’, ‘identity’, ‘time’, and ‘inv-square’ (power with exponent -0.5)

interpolation: Supported curve interpolation includes ‘linear’, ‘basis’, ‘cardinal’, ‘step’, ‘step-before’, ‘step-after’.

x-limits: Tuple of [min, max] values for the x-axis. If only one value (min or max) is specified, a null value should be provided as a placeholder for the other.

y1-limits: Tuple of [min, max] values for the left y-axis. If only one value (min or max) is specified, a null value should be provided as a placeholder for the other.

y2-limits: Tuple of [min, max] values for the right y-axis. If only one value (min or max) is specified, a null value should be provided as a placeholder for the other.

Data Options (Charts - pie, gauge)

'start': ,
'value': ,
'label': '',
'color': ,

start: (optional) Number in degrees at which to start the wedge.

value: Width in degrees to define the size of the wedge.

label: Label to be applied to the wedge. If there is only one wedge with a label, the label will be placed in the middle of the chart instead of at the perimeter.

color: (required) Color of the wedge.


class mxlive.lims.models.AnalysisReport(id, name, staff_comments, created, modified, status, project, kind, score, url, details)[source]
  • id (AutoField) – Id

  • name (CharField) – Name

  • staff_comments (TextField) – Staff comments

  • created (DateTimeField) – Date created

  • modified (DateTimeField) – Date modified

  • status (IntegerField) – Status

  • project_id (ForeignKey) – Project

  • kind (CharField) – Kind

  • score (FloatField) – Analysis report score

  • url (CharField) – Url

  • details (JSONField) – Details

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned