Source code for mxlive.remote.views

import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import msgpack
import json
import functools
import operator

import requests
from django import http

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db.models import Q

from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponse
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.utils import timezone, dateparse
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.views.generic import View

from mxlive.utils.signing import Signer, InvalidSignature
from import parse_frames

from .middleware import get_client_address
from ..lims.models import ActivityLog
from ..lims.models import Beamline, Dewar
from ..lims.models import Data, DataType
from ..lims.models import Project, Session
from ..lims.templatetags.converter import humanize_duration
from ..staff.models import UserList, RemoteConnection

if settings.LIMS_USE_SCHEDULE:
    HALF_SHIFT = int(getattr(settings, 'HOURS_PER_SHIFT', 8)/2)

PROXY_URL = getattr(settings, 'DOWNLOAD_PROXY_URL', '')

def make_secure_path(path):
    # Download  key
    url = PROXY_URL + '/data/create/'
    r =, data={'path': path})
    if r.status_code == 200:
        key = r.json()['key']
        return key
        raise ValueError('Unable to create SecurePath')

[docs]@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class VerificationMixin(object): """ Mixin to verify identity of user. Requires URL parameters `username` and `signature` where the signature is a string that has been time-stamped and signed using a private key, and can be unsigned using the public key stored with the user's MxLIVE User object. If the signature cannot be successfully unsigned, or the User does not exist, the dispatch method will return a HttpResponseNotAllowed. """ def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not (kwargs.get('username') and kwargs.get('signature')): return http.HttpResponseForbidden() else: User = get_user_model() try: user = User.objects.get(username=kwargs.get('username')) except User.DoesNotExist: return http.HttpResponseNotFound() if not user.key: return http.HttpResponseBadRequest() else: try: signer = Signer(public=user.key) value = signer.unsign(kwargs.get('signature')) except InvalidSignature: return http.HttpResponseForbidden() if value != kwargs.get('username'): return http.HttpResponseForbidden() return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class AccessList(View): """ Returns list of usernames that should be able to access the remote server referenced by the IP number inferred from the request. :key: r'^accesslist/$' """ def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): from ..staff.models import UserList client_addr = get_client_address(request) userlist = UserList.objects.filter(address=client_addr, active=True).first() if userlist: return JsonResponse(userlist.access_users(), safe=False) else: return JsonResponse([], safe=False) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): client_addr = get_client_address(request) userlist = UserList.objects.filter(address=client_addr, active=True).first() tz = timezone.get_current_timezone() errors = [] if userlist: data = msgpack.loads(request.body) for conn in data: try: project = Project.objects.get(username=conn['project']) except: errors.append("User '{}' not found.".format(conn['project'])) status = conn['status'] try: dt = tz.localize(datetime.strptime(conn['date'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) r, created = RemoteConnection.objects.get_or_create(name=conn['name'], userlist=userlist, user=project) r.status = status if created: r.created = dt else: r.end = dt except: pass return JsonResponse(userlist.access_users(), safe=False) else: return JsonResponse([], safe=False)
@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class SSHKeys(View): """ Returns SSH keys for specified user if the remote server referenced by the IP number inferred from the request exists. :key: r'^keys/<username>$' """ def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): client_addr = get_client_address(request) userlist = UserList.objects.filter(address=client_addr, active=True).first() user = Project.objects.filter(username=self.kwargs.get('username')).first() msg = '' if user: msg = '\n'.join(user.sshkeys.values_list('key', flat=True)).encode() return HttpResponse(msg, content_type='text/plain')
[docs]@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch') class UpdateUserKey(View): """ API for adding a public key to an MxLIVE Project. This method will only be allowed if the signature can be verified, and the User object does not already have a public key registered. :key: r'^(?P<signature>(?P<username>):.+)/project/$' """ def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): public = request.POST.get('public') signer = Signer(public=public) value = signer.unsign(kwargs.get('signature')) if value == kwargs.get('username'): User = get_user_model() modified = User.objects.filter(username=kwargs['username']).filter(Q(key__isnull=True) | Q(key='')).update( key=public) if not modified: return http.HttpResponseNotModified() ActivityLog.objects.log_activity(request, User.objects.get(username=kwargs['username']), ActivityLog.TYPE.MODIFY, 'User Key Initialized') else: return http.HttpResponseForbidden() return JsonResponse({})
[docs]class LaunchSession(VerificationMixin, View): """ Method to start an MxLIVE Session from the beamline. If a Session with the same name already exists, a new Stretch will be added to the Session. :key: r'^(?P<signature>(?P<username>):.+)/launch/(?P<beamline>)/(?P<session>)/$' """ def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): project_name = kwargs.get('username') beamline_name = kwargs.get('beamline') session_name = kwargs.get('session') try: project = Project.objects.get(username__exact=project_name) except Project.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Project does not exist.") try: beamline = Beamline.objects.get(acronym__exact=beamline_name) except Beamline.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Beamline does not exist.") end_time = None if settings.LIMS_USE_SCHEDULE: now = beamtime = project.beamtime.filter(beamline=beamline, start__lte=now + timedelta(hours=HALF_SHIFT), end__gte=now - timedelta(hours=HALF_SHIFT)) if beamtime.exists(): end_time = max(beamtime.values_list('end', flat=True)).isoformat() elif not end_time = ( + timedelta(hours=2)).isoformat() session, created = Session.objects.get_or_create(project=project, beamline=beamline, name=session_name) if created: # Download key try: key = make_secure_path(os.path.join(project_name, session.url = key except ValueError: return http.HttpResponseServerError("Unable to create SecurePath") session.launch() if created: ActivityLog.objects.log_activity(request, session, ActivityLog.TYPE.CREATE, 'Session launched') feedback_url = force_str(reverse_lazy('session-feedback', kwargs={'key': session.feedback_key()})) session_info = {'session':, 'duration': humanize_duration(session.total_time()), 'survey': request.build_absolute_uri(feedback_url), 'end_time': end_time} return JsonResponse(session_info)
[docs]class CloseSession(VerificationMixin, View): """ Method to close an MxLIVE Session from the beamline. :key: r'^(?P<signature>(?P<username>):.+)/close/(?P<beamline>)/(?P<session>)/$' """ def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): project_name = kwargs.get('username') beamline_name = kwargs.get('beamline') session_name = kwargs.get('session') try: project = Project.objects.get(username__exact=project_name) except Project.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Project does not exist.") try: beamline = Beamline.objects.get(acronym__exact=beamline_name) except Beamline.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Beamline does not exist.") try: session = project.sessions.get(beamline=beamline, name=session_name) except Session.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Session does not exist.") session.close() session_info = {'session':, 'duration': humanize_duration(session.stretches.with_duration().last().duration)} return JsonResponse(session_info)
KEYS = { 'container__name': 'container', 'container__kind__name': 'container_type', 'group__name': 'group', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'barcode': 'barcode', 'comments': 'comments', 'location__name': 'location', 'port_name': 'port' } def prep_sample(info, **kwargs): sample = { KEYS.get(key): value for key, value in info.items() } sample.update(**kwargs) return sample
[docs]class ProjectSamples(VerificationMixin, View): """ :Return: Dictionary for each On-Site sample owned by the User and NOT loaded on another beamline. :key: r'^(?P<signature>(?P<username>):.+)/samples/(?P<beamline>)/$' """ def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): from ..lims.models import Project, Beamline, Container project_name = kwargs.get('username') beamline_name = kwargs.get('beamline') try: project = Project.objects.get(username__exact=project_name) except Project.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Project does not exist.") try: beamline = Beamline.objects.get(acronym=beamline_name) dewar = beamline.dewars.select_related('container').get(active=True) except (Beamline.DoesNotExist, Dewar.DoesNotExist): raise http.Http404("Beamline or Automounter does not exist") lookups = ['container__{}'.format('__'.join(['parent']*(i+1))) for i in range(MAX_CONTAINER_DEPTH)] query = Q(container__status=Container.STATES.ON_SITE) query &= ( functools.reduce(operator.or_, [Q(**{lookup:dewar.container}) for lookup in lookups]) | functools.reduce(operator.and_, [Q(**{"{}__isnull".format(lookup):True}) for lookup in lookups]) ) sample_list = project.samples.filter(query).order_by('group__priority', 'priority').values( 'container__name', 'container__kind__name', 'group__name', 'id', 'name', 'barcode', 'comments', 'location__name', 'container__location__name', 'port_name' ) samples = [prep_sample(sample, priority=i) for i, sample in enumerate(sample_list)] return JsonResponse(samples, safe=False)
TRANSFORMS = { 'file_name': 'filename', 'exposure_time': 'exposure', }
[docs]class AddReport(VerificationMixin, View): """ Method to add meta-data and JSON details about an AnalysisReport. :param username: User__username :param data_id: Data objects referenced :param score: float :param type: str :param details: JSON dict :param name: str :param beamline: Beamline__acronym :Return: {'id': < Created >} :key: r'^(?P<signature>(?P<username>):.+)/report/(?P<beamline>)/$' """ def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): info = msgpack.loads(request.body, raw=False) from ..lims.models import Project, Data, AnalysisReport project_name = kwargs.get('username') try: project = Project.objects.get(username__exact=project_name) except Project.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Project does not exist.") try: data = Data.objects.filter(pk__in=info.get('data_id')) except: raise http.Http404("Data does not exist") # Download key try: key = make_secure_path(info.get('directory')) except ValueError: return http.HttpResponseServerError("Unable to create SecurePath") details = { 'project': project, 'score': info.get('score') if info.get('score') else 0, 'kind': info.get('kind', 'Data Analysis'), 'details': info.get('details'), 'name': info.get('title'), 'url': key } report = AnalysisReport.objects.filter(pk=info.get('id')).first() if report: project.reports.filter(**details) else: report, created = AnalysisReport.objects.get_or_create(**details) for d in data: ActivityLog.objects.log_activity(request, report, ActivityLog.TYPE.CREATE, "{} uploaded from {}".format(, kwargs.get('beamline', 'beamline'))) return JsonResponse({'id':})
[docs]class AddData(VerificationMixin, View): """ Method to add meta-data about Data collected on the Beamline. :param username: User__username :param data_id: If updating an existing Data object :param directory: Path to files :param energy: float (in keV) :param type: str (one of the acronyms defined for a Data Type) :param exposure: float (in seconds) :param attenuation: float (in percent) :param beam_size: float (in microns) :param name: str :param filename: filename (if single frame) or formattable template (e.g. "test_{:0>4d}.img") :param beamline: Beamline__acronym :param sample_id: If known :param frames: frames collected (e.g. "1-4,8,10-99"), :param start_time: Starting time for data acquisition. If omitted, will be now - frames * exposure time :param end_time: End time for data acquisition. If omitted and start_time, is provided, will be start_time + frames * exposure_time, otherwise it will be now :Return: {'id': < Created >} :key: r'^(?P<signature>(?P<username>):.+)/data/(?P<beamline>)/$' """ def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): info = msgpack.loads(request.body, raw=False) project_name = kwargs.get('username') beamline_name = kwargs.get('beamline') try: project = Project.objects.get(username__exact=project_name) except Project.DoesNotExist: raise http.Http404("Project does not exist.") try: beamline = Beamline.objects.get(acronym=beamline_name) except: raise http.Http404("Beamline does not exist") # Download key try: key = make_secure_path(info.get('directory')) except ValueError: return http.HttpResponseServerError("Unable to create SecurePath") session = beamline.active_session() sample = project.samples.filter(pk=info.get('sample_id')).first() data = Data.objects.filter(pk=info.get('id')).first() details = { 'session': (session and session.project == project) and session or None, 'project': project, 'beamline': beamline, 'url': key, 'sample': sample, 'group': sample and or None, } base_fields = ['energy', 'frames', 'file_name', 'exposure_time', 'attenuation', 'name', 'beam_size'] details.update({f: info.get(f in TRANSFORMS and TRANSFORMS[f] or f) for f in base_fields}) details.update(kind=DataType.objects.get_by_natural_key(info['type'])) num_frames = 1 if info.get('frames'): num_frames = len(parse_frames(info['frames'])) details.update(num_frames=num_frames) # Set start and end time for dataset end_time = if 'end_time' not in info else dateparse.parse_datetime(info['end_time']) start_time = ( end_time - timedelta(seconds=(num_frames*info['exposure_time'])) ) if 'start_time' not in info else dateparse.parse_datetime(info['start_time']) details.update(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) for k in ['sample_id', 'group', 'port', 'frames', 'energy', 'filename', 'exposure', 'attenuation', 'container', 'name', 'directory', 'type', 'id']: if k in info: info.pop(k) details['meta_data'] = info if data: Data.objects.filter(**details) else: data, created = Data.objects.get_or_create(**details) ActivityLog.objects.log_activity(request, data, ActivityLog.TYPE.CREATE, "{} uploaded from {}".format(, beamline.acronym)) return JsonResponse({'id':})